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The Silent Resurrection RP Chat Tool
Silent Resurrections members come from all walks of life. Very fortunate for us, that includes a programmer. We are proud to present, curtesy of our dear friend, Nonsanity, the RP Chat tool.
One of the largest issues we have for RP in Final Fantasy XIV, is the limitations of the chat window. FFXIV gives you 500 characters, no splitting large bits of text and no spell checking. This can be challenging when in RP and you have a lot to say. Presenting the SR RP Chat Tool. What does it do? Everything and anything.
Auto Split input into paragraphs less than 500 characters
Integrated Spell checking with right click recommendations
The ability to number posts automatically (ex, 4/15) (for the long winded ones)
Dark Mode (for when you Dark Knights are feeling edgy)
Can add the appropriate chat channel, with override (meaning if you add /em before your input, it will post as emote regardless of the channel you selected.
Easy single click output to copy to your clipboard, for easy pasting in game
Designed all in-house. No viruses or Malware
Windows or Mac versions
Nothing to install. Just run it.
Does not interact with FF in ANY WAY, simply auto copy the text by clicking the right side after the split then Ctrl-V it into the chat box in FF.
Contains our FC crest, cause we are awesome :)
NEW: Now with history! If you are like me (a moron), then that shiny CLEAR button just calls you to it. Well, now if you do something silly and clear before you are ready, you have the last 20 posts in history. Have fun with that.

Current version 1.4
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