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Jaxyana Talesa

A ship without a course.
Cheery, violent, and given to excess.
Chasing her prodigal brother through the depths of the underworld, Jaxyana needs must use caution, for she's only as decent as the people she surrounds herself with.
Jaxyana Talesa (Logistics Officer and Navy Operations) - A pirate princess whose father eschews the Admiral's code, as long as Jaxyana is on her best behavior she's welcome to operatate in the Lominsan interests. With friends and contacts across the coast, Jaxyana taps the web of information and supply strung across the seas of Eorzea and beyond. A Captain in her own right, when the excriment hits the ventilation she is a sound officer to guide the enlistedmen through the chaos of combat... she just lacks the motivation or care to do so at any other time.
Drinking, partying, fighting - Jaxyana does nothing in a small way. She can be most often found in the midst of some trouble or drink, forever ready to chase the next high. Given the choice; she'll be in, around, or on the sea. She has also recently taken a lover of most dangerous nature, and despite his questionable intentions towars the lives of her company, may be often found with him. If you can find /him/, that is.
Jaxyana laughs easily and rages viciously. Fickle as the sea but trustworthy and true to those she deems friend, she's always ready to lend a flask or an axe, and to hold fast to the bloody end.

Jaxyana's father, Garmas Talesa, is a pirate commodore who commands a small fleet from his flagship the White Witch. It is to this tumultuous lifestyle that Jaxyana and her twin Breholf were born. Despite their vicious edges, the family was a close and loving one until the death of her mother in the Seventh Umbral Calamity.

When Breholf was lost at sea, Jaxyana took up his contract and has served the Resurrection since. She has forged friendships and learned truths that have shaped her, and ofttimes not for the better. But she's proven herself to be a true pirate and a truer friend, in spite of the jagged edges she presents to the world.

Jaxyana's father, Garmas Talesa, is a pirate commodore who commands a small fleet from his flagship the White Witch. It is to this tumultuous lifestyle that Jaxyana and her twin Breholf were born. Despite their vicious edges, the family was a close and loving one until the death of her mother in the Seventh Umbral Calamity.
Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: Occupied
Height: Short for a highlander
Weight: 140 ponze
Race: Hyurr
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